Natasha Catchpole, practice leader for product recall at London's CFC Underwriting, said product recall coverage requires a customized approach with frequent updates.
Sept. 25, 2019
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Risk Strategies' Power: Current Rate Environment Helps Foster M&A
RMS' DeCicco: Insurers Gaining Ground on Underwriting Flood, Wildfire
CFC's Catchpole: Social Media, Supply Chain Raise Stakes for Product Recall
RSG's Ryan: Today's Market Differs From Other Disruptive Periods
Lloyd's Watkins: Forthcoming Blueprint Outlines the Market's Future
Admiral's Bublitz: Cannabis Limited to Single-State Coverage
H.W. Kaufman CEO on Talent: 'Everybody Is Taking From Somebody Else'
Axa XL's Burnett: The Biggest Emerging Risk Is People
Hiscox' Rubin: Active Shooter Policies Respond Promptly
Northfield's Blecker: The Challenge Is to Thrive in an Opportune Market
Allied World's Broaddus: Activist Jurors Launch 'Nuclear Verdicts'
Liberty Mutual's Johnson: Casualty Losses Driven by Jurors' Largesse
E&S Crystal Ball: Higher Rates, More Risk Sharing, Social Inflation Ahead
Argo's Grose: Experience in Construction Sector a Model for Other Deployments
IronHealth's Dorneker: Growing Ranks of Insured Add Risks to US Hospitals
Munich Re Specialty's Kerner: Automation, AI Giving Underwriters Broader View
Aspen's Alexandru: Recall Risks Extend Beyond the Product
Thriving Wholesale, Specialty Sectors Draw Insurers to WSIA Event
Axa XL's O'Malley: Shifting Renewal Landscape Opens Doors
AM Best's Blades: Surplus Lines Growth Outpaces Commercial Sector
WSIA's Kelley: Key Issues Include Flood Coverage, TRIA and NARAB
WSIA's Joel Cavaness: Changing Rates, Limits Add to Business Complexity