John Andre, managing director, AM Best, explains why AM Best is maintaining a negative outlook for the U.S. personal lines property/casualty segment, and reviews the impact of inflation, rising loss severity factors and other issues.
Dec. 6, 2022
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AM Best: Favorable Signs for Nonstandard Auto
AM Best Outlook for US Personal Lines Shifts to Stable as Auto Sector Recovers
AM Best Maintains Stable Outlook for US Commercial Lines
AM Best: US Personal Auto Segment Is Stabilizing
AM Best: Driver Shortage, Inexperience Compound Commercial Auto Woes
AM Best: Canadian Property/Casualty Segment Stable Despite Rising Cat Events
AM Best: US Property/Casualty Mutuals Resilient Despite Persistent Volatility
AM Best: Workers' Compensation Winning Streak Continues
AM Best: US Crop Insurance Struggles Continue Due to Drought, Commodity Price Volatility
AM Best: Migration to Cat-Prone Areas Adds to Insurers’ Performance Volatility
AM Best: US D&O Pricing Softens as Premiums Continue to Decline
AM Best: Stable Outlook Assigned for Global Cyber Insurance Segment
Major US Insurance Segments See Strong 2023 Investment Results
AM Best: US P/C Downgrades Outpace Upgrades; US L/H Upgrades Outpace Downgrades
AM Best: Weather, Reinsurance Drive P/C Market Segment
AM Best: Farm Bureau Insurers Are Navigating Underwriting Challenges
AM Best: P/C Insurers Cut Expenses in the Wake of Deteriorating Personal Lines Results
AM Best: Nonstandard Auto Insurers Aim for Improved Underwriting Results
AM Best: US Personal Auto Results Worsen as Claims Severity Rises
Why AM Best Has a Stable Market Segment Outlook for US Commercial Lines
Why AM Best Is Maintaining a Negative Market Segment Outlook for US Personal Lines
AM Best: Pre-Pandemic Woes Return to Commercial Auto
AM Best: Outlook on US Homeowners Market Revised to Negative
AM Best: Secondary Perils, Inflation Underlie Mutuals’ Volatile Operating Results
AM Best: Workers' Compensation Remains a Profit Engine for P/C Industry
AM Best: Rating Trends Reports Released for Property/Casualty, Life/Health Industries
AM Best: US P/C Industry Shows Considerable Resilience Despite Continuing Challenges
AM Best: Hard Market Gives Way to Changing Dynamics for D&O Insurers
AM Best: Louisiana's Proposed Property Market Fix Is a Stopgap Given the Underlying Reinsurance Issues
AM Best: Inflationary Pressures, Elevated Loss Severity Weaken Nonstandard Auto Performance
AM Best: Underwriting Expenses Remain Stable
AM Best: Numerous Pressures Create Tough Terrain for Personal Auto Insurers
Why AM Best Has a Negative Market Segment Outlook for US Personal Lines
AM Best: Lessons Learned From Super Storm Sandy
AM Best: Homeowners Line Is Well Capitalized, but Weather Events Pose Significant Uncertainty
AM Best: Hurricane Ian Expected to Test Florida's New State-Run Reinsurance Program
AM Best: Surplus Lines Segment Saw Record-High Direct Premiums Written in 2021
AM Best: Canada Insurance Market Saw Favorable Results in 2021
AM Best: Elevated Loss, Litigation Challenge Florida Property Insurers
AM Best's Blades: Proliferation of SPACs May Slow in 2022
AM Best's Graham: Cyber Insurance Market Is Growing Quickly
AM Best: D&O Insurance Market Expects Continuing Headwinds Into 2022
AM Best: Increased Challenges Dampened Profitability In 2021, but not Growth for US Property/Casualty Sector
AM Best’s Manyem: Top Concerns for 2022 Include Lingering Pandemic Effects, Cyber, Supply Chain Disruption
AM Best: Secondary Perils Account for Large Share of Catastrophe Losses
Why AM Best Has a Stable Market Segment Outlook for US Personal Lines
Why AM Best Raised Its Market Segment Outlook for US Commercial Lines
AM Best: Improved Results Remains a Waiting Game for Commercial Auto Insurers
AM Best: Complete Return to Normalcy Evades Personal Auto Insurance Segment in 2021
AM Best: Premium Growth Expected to Continue for Nonstandard Auto Insurance Market
AM Best: Expanding Opportunities Boost Surplus Lines Growth
AM Best: Litigation Drives Up Carriers’ Defense and Cost Containment (DCC) Expenses
AM Best: Even Without Hurricanes, Florida Insurers Face Hurdles
AM Best: Insurers Reassessing Cyber Risk Due to Ransomware, Aggregation Risks
AM Best: Cannabis Insurance Market Poised for Growth
AM Best: D&O Writers Struggling After a Decade of Inadequate Rates
AM Best: Inland Marine Among Hardest Hit Lines in Quarantine
AM Best: US Commercial Lines Outlook Remains Negative
AM Best: US Personal Lines Outlook Remains Stable
AM Best: Market Dislocation Drives Growth for US Surplus Lines
AM Best Analysts: Pandemic Deals a Wild Card to US Personal Auto Insurers
AM Best: Commercial Auto Endures Worst Results in 10 Years
AM Best: Workers' Comp Writers Brace for COVID-19 Hit
AM Best: D&O Insurance Facing Seismic Shift
AM Best: Bail Bond Market Grows Despite Legislative Headwinds
AM Best: BI Insurers Face 'Existential Threat' if Forced to Cover COVID-19
AM Best: Event Cancellation Insurers May Exclude Future Pandemics
AM Best: Social Inflation May Impact Pandemic BI Claims
AM Best: Company Closely Watching Reserve Charges
AM Best: D&O Writers Race to Catch Up With Fast-Changing Market
AM Best's Blades: Surplus Lines Growth Outpaces Commercial Sector
AM Best's Zonenberg: Rated Companies Prepared for Possible TRIPRA Interruption
AM Best's Mosher: New Technologies Driving Insurers to Innovate
AM Best's Baurkot: Analytics, Underwriting Keys to Stable Outlook for US Personal Lines
AM Best's Marshall: Pricing, Market Discipline Support Stable Outlook for US Commercial
AM Best Analyst: P/C Industry Funded 90% of $146 Billion in A&E Exposures
AM Best Analysts: US Disability Writers, Consumers Will Benefit From Easier Enrollment
AM Best's Zonenberg: Rated Companies Should Prep for Possible TRIPRA Shutdown
AM Best Analysts: ID Theft Insurance Evolving
AM Best's Blades: US Inland Marine Sector Shows Exceptional Stability
AM Best Analysts: New Court Venues, Litigation Funding, #MeToo Impacting D&O
AM Best's Keen-Tomlinson: Motor Insurance, Geopolitical Risks Creating Turbulent Turkish Market
AM Best Outlook: Title Insurance Stable, But Potential Challenges Include Sluggish Economy
AM Best's Andre: Insurance Innovation Is a Long-Term, Wide-Ranging Challenge
AM Best's Langowski: Despite Storms, Outlook for German Nonlife Sector Is Stable
AM Best's Dunckley: Outlook for Italian Nonlife Sector Remains Stable
AM Best's Botelho-Young: Spanish Nonlife Insurance Market Sustains Stable Outlook
AM Best Analysts: NY's Child Victims Act Will Impact Insurers' Reserves
AM Best Analysts: Broader Economy, Repair Costs Influence Personal Auto Sector
AM Best's Blades: Commercial Auto Writers Hampered by Medical Costs, Loss Trends
AM Best: U.S. P/C Insurers' NPW Grew an Estimated 9% in 2018
AM Best Analysts: Employment Growth Boosts US Workers' Comp Sector
AM Best Analysts: US Nonstandard Auto Insurers See Improved Results, Face Obstacles
AM Best's Andre: Benchmarking Shows Many P/C Insurers Remain Well Capitalized
A.M. Best's Williams: Auto Results, Cats Support Stable Outlook for US P/C Personal Lines
A.M. Best's Lagomarsino: Auto Trends, Data Tools Support Stable Outlook for P/C Commercial