Chris Methven, chief growth officer, CyberCube, said he’s spending more time with reinsurance partners and secondary capital markets, getting people comfortable with underlying modeling of cyber as a class.
Sept. 11, 2023
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Panel: Focus on Clients, Social Factors Helps Industry Remain Relevant
ACORD’s Pieroni: Profound Transformation Via AI
ACORD’s Newman: Tech Plays Major Role
Hiscox Re’s Reardon: ILS Market Is Still Rebalancing
Gallagher Re’s Kerton: Market Is Disciplined
Connect’s Elbahou: Hybrid MGA Provides Level of Control
Everest Group’s Andrade: Supply and Demand Gap, Pent-Up Demand to Drive Higher Prices
Scor Global’s Conoscente: Supply and Demand Deficit, Major Cat Could Spur Continued Hard Market
First Net Zero’s Ball: Greater Energy and Production Efficiency Will Lead to Lower Prices
Axis Capital’s Tizzio: Capacity, Pricing Momentum Persist in Market
Fidelis MGU's Mathias: Investors Are Skeptical
Mt. Logan Re’s Modin: Investors Show Renewed Interest in ILS
EY’s Santenac: Rendez-Vous Atmosphere Optimistic
AM Best’s Carter: Reserving Is Something of a Hidden Art
MS Reinsurance's Wiest: Climate Change, ESG Sure To Emerge on Next Year’s Agenda
IGI’s Jabsheh: Reinsurance Segment Expected To Double on New Opportunities
Howden Tiger’s Flandro: Capital Pathway, Collateralized Cover Drive Investor Changes
Praedicat CEO: Data, Models, Experience Aid Casualty Risk Management
Lockton Re’s Gardner: Reinsurer Appetite, Capacity Prevail
Everest Re's Beggs: Capacity Driven by Terms and Conditions
GIC’s Ramaswamy: Industry, India Discuss Partnership to Close Protection Gap
Lloyd’s Tiernan: Creativity Necessary to Solve Protection Gap
Projected Stability in Upcoming Renewals Dominates Discussions at Rendez-Vous
Cyber Panel: Insurers, Reinsurers Think About Cyber Differently
Munich Re’s Prussog: Reinsurance Role Change Is Rooted in Technology
PwC UK’s Bichard: ILS Attracts Variety of Opinions
Discussions Focus on Risk Appetite at Rendez-Vous
Brit’s Bird: Loss Frequency Drives Upward Retentions
Guy Carpenter Execs: Cyber War Exclusions Not Avoidance Ploys
Convex’s Brand: Market Newcomer Focuses on Efficiency
Howden Tiger’s Bredahl: Underwriting Key to MGA Success in Hard Market
Hannover Re’s Ludolphs: Reinsurance Industry Managing Hard Market Well
Aspen’s Cloutier: Investor Appetite for Reinsurance Business Is Strong
Beat Capital’s Cavanagh: Orderly Renewal Season Expected
Sompo’s James: Global Market Shows Signs of Equilibrium, Stability
Phoenix CRetro's Savrassov: ILS Can Play Major Role In Closing Protection Gap
SiriusPoint’s Egan: Deeper Relationships Are Central to Success
Protection Gap Tops Discussions at Rendez-Vous
Lancashire’s Maloney: Most Business Classes Still Attracting Positive Rates
Guy Carpenter’s Priebe: Lines Blurring Between Insurers, Reinsurers
Swiss Re’s Haegeli: Reinsurance Sector Well-Suited to Take On Uncertainties
Conduit Re’s Eckert: Pure Play Means Not Competing With Clients
Peak Re’s Hahn: Opportunities Grow in Emerging Asia Markets
Ariel Re’s Mather: Breaking Down Catastrophes
CyberCube’s Methven: More Capacity Needed to Fuel Cyber Growth
AM Best: Reinsurers Are Maintaining Robust Financial Strength
BMS Re’s Chandler: Economy Continues to Influence Insurance Market
Perils’ Hitz: Loss Data Critical to Modeling Weather Risk
AM Best’s Wong-Fupuy: Capacity Being Deployed, but Cautiously
AM Best’s Holzberger: Market Capitalization Is Resilient
Beazley’s Quane: Capacity Crunch in Property Market
AM Best: Interconnected Themes Will Dominate Discussions at Rendez-Vous
AM Best: Global Reinsurers Face Uncertainty Even as Conditions Improve
AM Best: Munich Re Remains Atop Largest Reinsurer Rankings
AM Best: Dedicated Reinsurance Capital Fluctuates Amid Volatile Market Dynamics
AM Best: Meeting Cost of Capital Will Challenge Some Reinsurers
AM Best: Cat Bonds Lift a Muted ILS Market
AM Best: Market Fundamentals Drive Growing Demand for Health Reinsurance
AM Best: Life/Annuity Reinsurers Remain Prepared for Growth
AM Best: US-Bermuda Reinsurers’ Technical Results Improve Amid Investment Losses
AM Best: Fewer Major Cat Events Limit Claims Activity for Latin America Reinsurers
AM Best: Menos Eventos Catastróficos Importantes, Limitan la Siniestralidad para las Reaseguradoras Latinoamericanas