Rich Soja, regional head of marine at Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty, said a decline in demand and the rise in fuel costs could shrink margins and put motor carriers in a precarious position (April 14, 2022).
April 13, 2022
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QBE North America CEO: Counter Inflation With Creativity, New Risk Structures
Swiss Re’s Nusslein: Parametric Nat Cat, Weather Innovation in Spotlight
Verisk’s Waller: Commercial Market Shifting From Exploring Digitization to Implementation
Swiss Re’s Porter: Every Link of the Supply Chain Under Scrutiny
Zurich NA’s Zoller: Uptick in Claims Fuels Growing Interest in Offshore D&O Exposures
Sompo Head of NA Development: Market Behaving on Multi-Dimensional Basis, Rates Pushed Across Products Over the Last Four Years
Tennessee’s Habart: Unique Systems Coming Through Captives Today
Mitchell’s Hatamian: Investments Grow in Modes of Communication
Lowers’ Chief Strategy Officer: Small Businesses Must Understand New Risks Like Supply Chain, the Great Resignation
Beazley’s Greenwood and Karimali: Complexity of Risks Rise, but Most Leaders Remain Optimistic
Verisk’s Ingraham: Females ‘Hugely Underrepresented’ at Industry’s Top Levels
Allianz’s Soja: Inflation Impacts Supply Chain, Business Interruption
Axa’s Godier: Industry Focus on Climate, Becoming Carbon Neutral
Marsh Chief of Claims: Benchmarking, Metrics Keys to Measuring Claims Success
Travelers Chief Medical Director: Looking at Employees Holistically in Workers’ Comp Reduces Costs
Munich Re’s Vinukollu: ‘Get Back to Basics’ to Handle Frequency and Severity of Cat Events
Zurich’s Oltmanns: New DEI Standards Add to Companies’ Litigation Exposures
WTW’s Foster: Despite Rate Increases, a Healthy Appetite for Cyber Insurance Remains
Allianz’s Phillips: Entertainment Industry ‘Bigger, Stronger and Better’
APP Tech President: Despite Evolving Technology, Human Adjusters Are Here to Stay
Former Boston Police Chief Shares Risk Mitigation Lessons From Marathon Bombings
Emerging Risks Panel: New Exposures Call for Parametric, Other Developing Tools
Bermuda’s ABIR and BDA Leaders: The Challenge in Florida Is Not Insurance, It’s Fraud
Marsh’s Charnley: Captives Are a Natural Fit for ESG
Nationwide’s Iorio and Werner: Pandemic Was Big Stressor on Employment Liability
RIMS RISKWORLD Executive Panel: 2021 Was a Tipping Point for ESG
Harvard MedTech’s Stanley: Pandemic Accelerated Use of Telemedicine in Workers’ Comp
Resilience’s Lisi: Cyber Policies Becoming More Complex
Ventiv’s Myers: Data Is a Continuing Journey
QBE’s Librizzi: Cyber, Media Exposures Are Emerging Professional Liability Risks
Garland Risk Manager: Cyber, Data Issues, Unique Exposures to First Responders Are Growing Concerns
Allianz’s Houlihan: Companies Using Different Approaches to Manage Risk
Aon’s Oracki: Today’s Risks Becoming More Complicated, Interconnected
Hartford’s Tooker: Technology Is Forcing Old Underwriting Habits to Change
Panel: Cyberrisk Forces Organizations to Examine Resiliency, Exposures, Policy Language
III’s Chief Economist: Insurance Industry Debunks Traditional Trend, Sees Economic and Underlying Growth
Allianz’s Laufer: As Pandemic Wanes, It’s Unclear if Jury Awards Will Level Off
Liberty Mutual’s Rubin: War Spurs Policy Language Changes in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine
Liberty Mutual Chief Client Officer: Effects of US Labor Shortage Spread Across Core Business Lines
Allianz’s Sayce: Digital Supply Chain, Remote Workforces Are Emerging Risks for Businesses
Opendoor’s Moya: Silicon Valley Risk Managers Remain Focused on Ransomware, Political Risks
Bermuda Economy and Labor Minister: Immigration Policies, Agile Regulation Boost Insurance Sector
RIMS President: RISKWORLD Conference Name, Content Reflect Globalization of Risk Management