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AM Best’s Yeo: ‘Big Four' European Reinsurers Paving the Way

Four of the largest European reinsurers have reinforced their commitment to writing property catastrophe. Among those, three closed 2021 with a combined ratio below 100, said Angela Yeo, senior director, analytics and head of operations, AM Best.

Sept. 12, 2022

Full AM Best TV coverage of the 2022 Rendez-Vous de Septembre conference

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  • AM Best: IFRS 17 — Economic View Adds Complexity to Reinsurers’ Financial Statements

  • AM Best: Workers' Compensation Winning Streak Continues

  • AM Best: World's 50 Largest Insurers

  • AM Best: Reinsurers Meet Cost of Capital for First Time in Four Years

  • AM Best: Strong Annuity Growth Continues Shift to Bermuda Reinsurers

  • AM Best: Reinsurers Operating in Latin America Benefit From Region’s GDP Growth

  • AM Best: Las Reaseguradoras que Operan en Latinoamérica se Benefician del Crecimiento del PIB de la Región

  • AM Best: Asia-Pacific Reinsurers Achieve Strong Results in Improved Investment Environment

  • AM Best TV Panel at VCIA: Rated Captives Outperform Commercial Carriers in Underwriting

  • AM Best: Life/Annuity Reinsurers Face Growing Competition as Conditions Improve

  • AM Best: Dedicated Reinsurance Capital Thrives in Hard Market

  • AM Best: Changing Trends Continue to Push Demand for Health Reinsurance

  • AM Best: US Fraternal Growth Supported by Annuity Sales

  • AM Best: Strong Technical Profits Bolster Momentum for Global Reinsurers

  • AM Best: Growing Captive Insurance Market Highlights Risk Management Expertise

  • AM Best: Asset Manager Relationships Lead Insurers' Shift to Private Credit

  • AM Best: US Crop Insurance Struggles Continue Due to Drought, Commodity Price Volatility

  • AM Best: Migration to Cat-Prone Areas Adds to Insurers’ Performance Volatility

  • AM Best: The 2023 Reinsurer Class – The Class That Never Was

  • AM Best: US D&O Pricing Softens as Premiums Continue to Decline

  • AM Best: Stable Outlook Assigned for Global Cyber Insurance Segment

  • AM Best: La Perspectiva del Sector Asegurador de México se mantiene estable

  • AM Best: Mexico's Insurance Segment Outlook Remains Stable

  • AM Best: Global Reinsurance Segment Revised to Positive

  • AM Best: ILS Capacity Reached $100 Billion at 1Q Beginning

  • AM Best: Florida Property Insurance Market Improves; Reinsurance Dependency Remains High

  • AM Best: Annuity Premiums Soar; Surrender Protection Strengthens

  • Major US Insurance Segments See Strong 2023 Investment Results

  • AM Best: Social Inflation Remains A Thorn in the Side of Casualty Insurers

  • AM Best: Highly Innovative Personal Auto Carriers Have a Significant Competitive Edge

  • AM Best: Heightened Risk Landscape Creates New Challenges for Reserve Management

  • AM Best's Blades: Pricing Competition, Lower Demand Lead to Decreased Industry Premium

  • AM Best: Eurozone Inflation on Track Despite Inflationary Impact of Houthi Disruption

  • AM Best: US P/C Downgrades Outpace Upgrades; US L/H Upgrades Outpace Downgrades

  • AM Best: US Life/Annuity Insurers Stay the Course Amid 2024 Uncertainty

  • AM Best: Narrowing Margins in Medicare Advantage

  • AM Best: Weather, Reinsurance Drive P/C Market Segment

  • AM Best: US Health Insurers Expected to Remain Resilient Amid Challenges in 2024

  • AM Best: More Life/Health Insurers Are Outsourcing Investment Management

  • AM Best: US Economy's Soft-Landing May Experience a Bumpy Road

  • AM Best: Farm Bureau Insurers Are Navigating Underwriting Challenges

  • AM Best: IFRS 17 Frequently Asked Questions

  • AM Best: P/C Insurers Cut Expenses in the Wake of Deteriorating Personal Lines Results

  • AM Best: US Individual Life Payout Ratios Down

  • AM Best: Revised Best’s Credit Rating Methodology and Available Capital and Insurance Holding Company Analysis Released

  • AM Best: Annuity Surrenders Up Through 3Q23, Edging Out Premium Growth

  • AM Best Director: As 2023 Proved to Be a Year of ‘Resilience’ Economically, 2024 Is Poised to Be a Year of 'Divergence'

  • AM Best: Transition, Hard Market Steer Focus to Capital Management

  • AM Best: Methodology Enhancements Cover Holding Companies, Regulation, Capital Management

  • AM Best: Global Insurance Market Has Shifted, Faces Multiple Economic and Systemic Risks

  • AM Best: Stress Testing Can Improve Insurers' Responses to New and Emerging Risks

  • AM Best: Despite Inflation, EMEA Insurers' Market Results Have Been Stable Overall

  • AM Best: Hard Market Not Caused by a Cat Event, but by Disciplined Market Participants

  • AM Best: A&E Reserves Decline Along With Incurred Losses

  • AM Best: Nonstandard Auto Insurers Aim for Improved Underwriting Results

  • AM Best: US Personal Auto Results Worsen as Claims Severity Rises

  • AM Best: Private Equity, Investment Managers Continue to Enter Life and Annuity Market

  • Why AM Best Has a Stable Market Segment Outlook for US Commercial Lines

  • Why AM Best Is Maintaining a Negative Market Segment Outlook for US Personal Lines

  • Why AM Best Has a Stable Market Segment Outlook for the US Health Industry

  • Why AM Best Has a Stable Market Segment Outlook for US Life and Annuity

  • Why AM Best Has a Stable Market Segment Outlook for Global Reinsurance

  • Why AM Best Has a Positive Market Segment Outlook for DUAE Market

  • AM Best: Insurers Adopting IFRS 17 Will See Changes

  • AM Best: Recent Layoffs by Insurers Alone Do Not Signal Ratings Pressure

  • AM Best: Book Value of Insurers’ Hedge Fund Investments Declines

  • AM Best: DUAEs Are Playing Larger Roles in the Insurance Industry

  • AM Best: US Medical Professional Liability Market Segment Upgraded

  • AM Best: Hurricane Otis Could Pressure Mexican Insurers’ Credit Profiles

  • AM Best: Federal Home Loan Bank Life/Annuity Members Capitalize on Rates

  • AM Best: Rating Trends Reports Released for Property/Casualty, Life/Health Industries

  • AM Best: Growth in Insurers' Private Equity Investment Slowed Significantly in 2022

  • AM Best: Pre-Pandemic Woes Return to Commercial Auto

  • AM Best: Positive Results Expected for Canada’s Insurance Market in 2023

  • AM Best: Latin America Markets Are Navigating 'Economic Weather'

  • AM Best: Outlook on US Homeowners Market Revised to Negative

  • AM Best: Secondary Perils, Inflation Underlie Mutuals’ Volatile Operating Results

  • AM Best: Operating Performance, Retro Cost Drive Asian Reinsurer Strategies

  • AM Best: Fewer Major Cat Events Limit Claims Activity for Latin America Reinsurers

  • AM Best: Menos Eventos Catastróficos Importantes, Limitan la Siniestralidad para las Reaseguradoras Latinoamericanas

  • AM Best: Interconnected Themes Will Dominate Discussions at Rendez-Vous

  • AM Best: Life/Annuity Reinsurers Remain Prepared for Growth

  • AM Best: Florida Losses From Hurricane Idalia Unlikely To Match Hurricane Ian’s

  • AM Best: Market Fundamentals Drive Growing Demand for Health Reinsurance

  • AM Best: US-Bermuda Reinsurers’ Technical Results Improve Amid Investment Losses

  • AM Best: Meeting Cost of Capital Will Challenge Some Reinsurers

  • AM Best: Dedicated Reinsurance Capital Fluctuates Amid Volatile Market Dynamics

  • AM Best: Munich Re Remains Atop Largest Reinsurer Rankings

  • AM Best: Peru Insurance Industry Outlook Revised to Stable

  • AM Best: Perspectiva de Mercado de Seguros de Perú Revisada a Estable.

  • AM Best: Global Reinsurers Face Uncertainty Even as Conditions Improve

  • AM Best: US Crop Premiums Reach New Highs, but Drought Claims Drive Losses

  • AM Best's Andre: Captives' Strength Is Their First-Hand View of Risk Data

  • AM Best Captive Insurance Panel: Rated Captives See Strong Performance

  • AM Best: Feasibility, Utility Sustain Rated Captives' Profitability

  • AM Best: MENA Markets More Stable Despite Headwinds

  • AM Best: Workers' Compensation Remains a Profit Engine for P/C Industry

  • AM Best: DUAEs Are Playing an Increasingly Significant Role Across European Insurance Markets

  • AM Best: First Hard Market Cycle Brings a Return to Profitability for US Cyber Segment

  • AM Best: Possible ‘New Trend Brewing’ in Health Care Claims and Utilization